Fertlising Your Lawn
The best way to have a good looking lawn all year round is to continue fertilising on a regular basis and not just once or twice a year. Below you will find the fertilisers we use throughout the year. The longevity of each fertiliser varies according to the benefits it does to the soil.
Each fertiliser replenishes the loss of nutrients, phosphate and potash in the soil, which helps balance and encourage stronger healthy roots and a greener healthier lawn.
Autumn / Winter Fertiliser
Guide to application September to March
Ideal for fertilising at the beginning of the season or autumn to help control moss, whilst strengthens the swards. Low nitrogen will not encourage disease such as fusarium patch, and phosphate and potash to encourage root development and strength.
Prices start from £10.00
Spring & Summer Fertiliser
Guide to application April to September
With the compound of mini granules that are dispersed, this has an effect of dissolving quicker into the lawn, thus allows an increase of nutrients for a fast affective feed. Plus also reduces the risk of lawn mower collection, which can impel it effectiveness.
Prices start from £10.00
Autumn Fertiliser
Guide to application August to November
With the high content of phosphate and potash mini granules, the will encourage a more healthy roots as we come in to the winter period, ensuring that the turf it harden, to cope with low temperature and use in the winter.
Prices start from £10.00
Green Up Fertiliser
Guide to application May to September
During the mid season this fertiliser with the seaweed extracts encourages a fast green to the lawn, this application reduces the nitrogen lost, whilst regular mowing of the lawn through grass cutting and will help prevent speckling effects in the lawn, making a consistent colour throughout.
Prices start from £10.00
Feed & Weed Fertiliser
Guide to application April to September
This has two selective herbicides included within it, which then control most of the broad leaf weeds in the lawn such as Common Mouse-ear, Common Chickweed, Creeping Buttercup, Thrift and Dandelions, Daisies, White Clover, Yarrow and Yellow Suckling Clover. If some of the plantains are not completely eradicated, then a second application can be made allowing it longevity period.
Prices start from £15.00
Feed, Weed & Moss Killer Fertiliser
Guide to application April to September
This is a triple action product which provides your lawn with essential nutrients to improve growth and enhance colour. There are three selective herbicides included in it which control most of the broad leaf weeds in the lawn. The main weeds it keeps under control are Cat’s Ear, Creeping Buttercup, Daisies and White Clover. Dandelions and Plantains are slightly susceptible. The Iron in the formula controls the moss growth and in addition will help to provide a rapid green-up to the lawn.
Prices start from £15.00
The longevity of this fertiliser is over a 6 / 8 week period, thus re-application can be made as required, to continue the consistency of the lawn. Prices stated are for guides purposes only, full quotations upon request / visit.