Pruning Ornamental Shrubs
Pruning is the way to encourage your plants, shrubs to grow healthier, by removing deadwood and diseased, by cutting selective branches, buds and roots, this will help to encourage more shoots, buds and flowers and also good to cultivate for new specimen from a chosen plant.
There are also special techniques to pruning roses, fruit trees and grapevines, other practices for pruning herbaceous plants are used on perennial woody plants. When it comes to hedges, there are normally carried out by hedge trimmers.
Deadheading flowering plants is a way to encourage the plant to flower more over the summer and improves its appearance. This is done by removing drooping flower heads either by secateurs or if you are deadheading plants like French marigolds this can be done with your finger and thumb, before they set seed, enabling the plant to conserve its energy.
Below is a chart on when is a suitable time to prune your shrubs;
Abella | Spring, summer and after last frost | |
Abeliophyllum | Spring | |
Abutilon (Megapotamicum) | Early to mid-spring | |
(Vitifolium) | Summer, after flowering | |
Aloysia | Mid-spring, after frost | |
Amelanchier (Lamarcki) | Winter | |
(Stolonifera) | Winter | |
Artemisia (Abrotanum) | Early spring | |
(Powis Castle) | Early spring | |
Aucuba | Mid-spring, winter | |
Banksia | After flowering | |
Berberis (Darwinii) | After flowering, early summer | |
(Thunbergii) | mid to late winter | |
Brugmansia | Late winter, before growth | |
Buddleja (buddleja Alternifolia) | Midsummer, after flowering | |
(Davidii) | Early spring | |
(buddleja Globosa) | Late winter, before growth | |
Buxus (Box) | Mid to late summer, late spring | |
Callicarpa (Bodinieri Var Giraldii) | Early spring, after frost | |
Callistemon (Citrinus) Bottlebrush | Summer, after flowering | |
Carpenteria | Spring, after flowering | |
Chimonanthus (wintersweet) | Late winter, after flowering | |
Cistus ( Rock Rose) | Spring | |
Cornus (Dogwood) Alba | Early spring, before bud break | |
(Stolonifera) | Early summer | |
Dendromecon | Early spring | |
Duranta | Spring | |
Elaeagnus (Angustifolia) | Midsummer, after flowering | |
(Ebbingei) | Late summer | |
Erica (Arborea) Heather | Early spring, early summer | |
(Carnea) | spring | |
Euonymus (Spindle Tree) | Late winter, early spring | |
(Japonicus) | Mid to late spring | |
Fatsia | Mid-spring | |
Forsythia | Mid-spring, after flowering | |
Fushsia (Magellanica) | Early spring | |
(Hybrids) | Pinch prune, thoughout season | |
Garrya (Elliptica) | Early spring | |
Hamamelis (Mollis), Witch Hazel | Early spring | |
(Vernalis) | Early Spring | |
Hebe (Cupressoides) | Spring | |
(Pinguifolia) | Spring, summer after flowering | |
(Speciosa) | Mid to late spring | |
Hibiscus (Rosa Sinensis) | Late spring | |
(Syriacus) | Late spring | |
Hydrangea (Macrophylla) | prune after flowering in warm climates, leave flowerheads if cold climates |
(Paniculata) | Early spring, before growth | |
Hypericum (Calycinum) | Early spring | |
(Forrestii) | Spring | |
Ilex (Opaca) Holly | Late summer | |
Kerria | Late spring, after flowering | |
Lantana | Spring | |
Lavatera (Tree Mallow) | Spring, after buds begn to break | |
Lavandula (Angustifolia) Lavander | In warm climates prune in autumn | |
Leonotis (Lion's Ear) | Autumn in warm climates, in cool spring | |
Leycesteria | Spring | |
Lonicera (Nitida) Honeysuckle | Trim between spring and autumn | |
Magnolia (Soulangeana) | Midsummer | |
Mahonia (Aquifolium) | Spring, after flowering | |
(X Media) | Spring, after flowering | |
Nerium (Oleander) | Late summer to autumn | |
Olearia | Spring | |
Paeonia (Peony) | In summer and autumn | |
Penstemon | Spring, after frost | |
Persoonia | Autumn, after fruiting | |
Phlomis | Mid-spring | |
Photinia (X Fraseri) | Spring | |
(Villosa) | Winter | |
Phygelius | Spring, after frost | |
Pieris (Japonica) | Spring, after flowering | |
Prunus (Glandulosa) Cherry | Early spring, after flowering | |
(Lusitanica) | Late spring | |
Pyracantha (Firethorn) | Mid-spring | |
Rhododendron (Augustinii) | Late spring, early summer | |
(Kiusianum) | Summer, after flowering | |
(Luteum) | Summer, after flowering | |
(Rex) | Early summer, after flowering | |
Rhus (Typhina) | Early spring | |
Rosemarinus (Rosemary) | Early summer, after flowering | |
Salvia (Microphylla) Sage | Spring | |
(Officinalis) | Mid-spring and summer | |
Sambucus (Eder) | Winter | |
Santolina | Autumn | |
Spartium | Early spring, start of growth | |
Syringa (Valgaris) Lilac | Midsummer, as flowers fade | |
(Meyeri) | Midsummer, after flowering | |
Thymus (Thyme | Late summer | |
Ulex | Late spring, early summer | |
Viburnum (Bodnantense) | Early spring, after flowering | |
(Plicatum) | Summer, after flowering | |
(Tinus) | Early summer, after flowering | |
Vinca (Periwinkle) | Spring | |
Weigela (Florida) | Midsummer, after flowering | |
Zenobia | Midsummer, as flowers fade |